Saturday, 14 January 2012

Devil in the Flesh (1998)

Devil in the Flesh (1998)

Genre: Crime/Drama
Director: Steve Cohen
Writer: Kurt Anderson
Producer: Robert E. Baruc
Studio: Le Monde Entertainment
Country: USA
Artist: Rose McGowan, Alex McArthur, Peg Shirley, J.C. Brandy
When Debbie Strand is sent to live with her elderly grandmother it is the easiest thing she could have done until things go terribly bad. Her grandmother is too controlling for Debbie and will not let her have a life. Debbie had enough and beats her to death with her cane. Now her eyes are set on her new teacher, Mr. Rinaldi. She finds out that his girlfriend is out of town and erases all her messages on his answering machine. She will stop at nothing to get him even if it means murder. Now the easiest thing for her to do is to kill for what she wants.

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